Suitable for total beginners, beginners & advanced beginners - to achieve strong base & wide knowledge in various dance styles.
When completing the training program - choreography classes are much easier to follow. In weekly choreography classes time is limited, therefore training program is made to support student’s ability to keep up with the choreographies, by becoming familiar with foundations and basics that choreographies mainly are built on.
* Variety of styles
* Foundations & basic techniques
* Short choreographies
What to expect:
- Styles like Commercial, Reggaeton, Hiphop & Heels;
- Theoretical knowledge, dance techniques, grooves & improvisation
- Last training day - dance videography practical training
SUNDAYS 11.00 - 13.00
16.3 - 4.5 (8 weeks in total)
Training program schedule:
16.3 / week 1 / Drako
“Different ways to express in dance: dynamics, isolations, levels, directions, musicality”
23.3 / week 2 / Gabo
“Hiphop foundations, theory & short choreography”
30.3 / week 3 / Drako
“Commercial styles in stage performance, formation choreograhy for beginners”
6.4 / week 4 / Gabo
“Improvisation & groove”
13.4 / week 5 / Marta
“Feminine commercial & dance basic techniques”
20.4 / week 6 / Drako
“Reggaeton foundations & short choreography”
27.4 / week 7 / Marta
“Heels foundations, floorwork basics & short choreography”
4.5 / week 8 / Jean
“Dancing for camera: tips & suggestions from cameraman, practical training with choreogrqphies learned in previous weeks”
8 weeks pass (full program, 16 hours)
149 €
5 weeks pass (10 hours training)
109 €
(When purchasing 5 weeks pass please note in registration email which weeks you will be participating, for example: week 1, 3, 5, etc)
How to register?
- find bank details in
- Send confirmation of payment to 💌